The real customer centric CRM

Track leads, close opportunities and get accurate forecasts.

Keep opportunities within view

Your pipeline at a glance.

Each opportunity is listed as a card with all the essential information; and each stage gives an overview of your expected revenues.

Efficient organization

Get accurate forecasts

Use actionable data to make better decisions.

Get the insights you need to make smarter decisions.

Design custom dashboards to get a picture of your business at a glance.

Dig deeper with real-time reports and flow charts that anyone can create and share.

Get more done in less time

Great Tools = Happy People

Schedule activities based on your sales scripts: calls, meetings, mailing, and quotations. Get all the information you need, directly on the opportunity: website pages viewed, mail received, etc.

Effortless communication means no miscommunication

Communication is key. Incoming emails are automatically added to your pipeline, and all contact with your team and customers is made from a single place, ensuring easy access to information at all times.

Real-time overview

Easily review your performances & next activities.

Know exactly how you perform compared to your monthly targets.
Organize your work based on your scheduled next actions.

Fully integrated with other Thrive Apps


Turn sales & purchase orders into invoices in one-click and track them through their payment.


Automate the signing process of your contracts.


Turn quotes into professional-looking invoices in one click.

Email Marketing

Send the right message to your leads, opportunities and customers.